Thursday, April 5, 2007

Crazy-ass 2 weeks

So my brother goes and gets engaged and that's awesome. Then I find myself in a relationship where I actually have someone I would call my girlfriend, and that kicks ass. Then today my sister texts me the following: "I'm engaged!" I had to call back of course and yes folks, two of my siblings are now getting married! What a world, what a world...

The part that cracks me up is that throughout our siblinghood I have been the one dating, in steady relationships, and generally assumed to be Most Likely To Get Married. So my brother is on engagement #2 (this one infinitely more promising than the last thankfully...), and my sister is preparing to enter marriage #2. Where am I? Well, I spent five and a half years with the same girl only to have my heart stomped on. It wasn't at all my idea that we were not married, which came as a shock to her father when I mentioned this when they were moving her out. He hadn't had any idea why his daughter dumped me.

You know what though? It's so much better that Sarah figured her shit out before we got married. Breaking up was painful but at least there weren't legal issues involved. In reality it's pretty much like I *have* been married...I know people who have met, married, and divorced in less time than I spent with Sarah. But that extra step of marriage makes a lot of difference.

I can't remember the last time I was this content with things in general. Sure I could be making more money, could be headed to grad school...but things are good. It feels like being on I-70 in western road ahead, miles of possibilities and promises in sight, and you just keep driving in the general direction of Forward with the idea that surely something will happen eventually :-P

"Cut the head in half using a band saw and scoop the brains out. Blast the brain out with water or air. Suck the brain out through a hole in the head."

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