Sunday, March 21, 2010

Funeral time

Just over a week ago my great-grandma passed away. Mom-mo Lynn, as we called her, was 96 and had what Eddie Izzard refers to as the Life Force: "I'm a Gran, I live forever!" It was a bit sudden, since we hadn't known she was sick at all, and we weren't really prepared for it.

Once details emerged, we found out she *had* been sick, but my Aunt hadn't deemed it necessary to tell anyone else. She'd been in the hospital, had apparently been diagnosed with esophageal cancer days earlier, and didn't have much chance of making it. At the end though she died at home, in her own bed, and never stopped selling Avon. She had a good run and was an awesome little old lady. She'll be missed.

Of course with death comes a funeral and we got back last night from attending. My mom's whole family was together for the 1st time in ages...we figured 10 years or so. Tod, Alex, and Amber (Tod's fiance) flew to Denver from Seattle, and my sister flew in from NY so we could all caravan from Denver to Hutchinson. Terri's family all made the trip down from KC too so I saw all of my cousins. They've all grown up over the last 10 years! Weird.

The drive across Kansas hasn't changed a bit in all the years I've been doing it. Hays is still there in the middle of it, and visiting is always a tad surreal. I've definitely made the transition to city dweller and the small towns just seem so...small I guess is the word for it :-P

Laundry now. Work has been insane lately and I guess I have to be ready for it tomorrow. Bah.

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