Small children + freedom 'splosions = good times.
The Thornton fireworks are 2 blocks from my new apartment. Should I want to go to bed early on the 4th of July this would suck royally. However should I be in the mood for, say, not being an idiot and going to watch the fireworks w/ Steph and the kids...then this works out well, no?! We got there way too early, but we were on a hill so the kids had plenty of entertainment in the form of throwing themselves down said hill in typical childhood-rolly fashion:

The proximity to my place came in handy when the clouds rolled in and the wind kicked up as it was finally getting dark. I ran home for another blanket and made it back in time for the whole show. I don't know that it was quite as good as Arvada's annual display, but we all had fun and that's what matters. The quote of the evening came from K1: "Wow, the grand finale is a huge golden shower!" Steph and I laughed quietly and didn't have to explain, thankfully.
1 comment:
awww your shirts match!
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